Sample Resumes for Freelancer

Nowadays, freelance work has evolved and is being more considered and recognized than before.

According to an article written by a Partner from McKinsey & Company, freelancing has long been commonplace in professions ranging from writing, editing and design to many skilled trades, real estate appraisal and even fitness training, and that the number of people engaging to this kind of work could grow sharply in the decade ahead.

In this regard, not only those candidates applying full-time should have their profiles well and professionally written Freelancers as well.

Sample Resumes for Freelancer

Here are some tips on how to make an outstanding Freelancer Profile:

  • Add a Digital Portfolio link
    If you are a freelancer in writing, design, photography, etc. always include your portfolio. Go digital and have all your samples stored in one place so you can easily share a link with your potential employer. Plus, you will show recruiters that you are professional who is proud of the work he has done.
  • Keep it concise.
    It is also imperative that the content of your professional resume has concise and straightforward information about yourself and your accomplishments or projects from before. This helps the Recruiters see if what they are offering matches your skills and talents.
  • Less is more.
    Don't be afraid to go with a one-page resume, let your portfolio speak for itself. You do not have to water your document down just to make it longer. In resume, less is definitely more.
  • Avoid banalities.
    In your areas of expertise, it is recommended to avoid using generic terms like "team-player" or "excellent people skills". These phrases have been overused, and recruiters are tired of reading them over and over again. Go for action verbs, avoid using gerunds or passive voice as much as possible.

If your resume needs some polishing to let your talents shine, we are here for you! Our writers will gladly help you structure your freelancing resume to propel your career to the next level.