How to List Computer Skills on Resume

In the digital age, computer knowhow has become the most sought-after skillset in the job market at large. If you are a graduate of any computer course, you’ll want to highlight your computer skills for resume the best way possible in order to stand out from the sea of applicants and persuade the recruiter to call you in for an interview.

Three easy tips on how to list computer skills on resume

Your skills section will be the best place to put your computer-related abilities. On that note, you should feature your skills section prominently on your resume, which means it should be placed directly below your summary statement. It can also help to mention important computer skills in the summary and work experience sections, especially if you have strong technical abilities. Here are three tips to remember as you craft your computer skills for resume.

1. Create a list of your computer skills

As best you can, make a list of all the computer skills in your arsenal, from basic to advanced. Basic computer skills for resume include word processing, emailing, formatting spreadsheets, and social media. Examples of advanced computer skills for resume include training, experience or background in any computer language, software, or programming, as well as in-depth knowhow in specific computer principles and concepts.

2. Include only those that the employer is looking for

Different computer jobs require different computer skills, so pay close attention to what the job posting is asking from applicants as you sift through your master list of computer skills for resume. You don’t want to pepper your application with sophisticated computer words just to try to impress recruiters, because it can have the opposite effect and turn them off instead. Stick to the job posting and provide your best qualifications available.

Additionally, you shouldn’t include any skill that you don’t have just to meet the job’s basic requirements. Employers will expect you to deliver on what you’ve written on your resume, and lying about your qualifications will not reflect well on your record.

3. Be specific

Avoid oversimplifying or generalizing your computer skills on resume. For instance, instead of saying you are adept at social media, mention specific platforms, whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Youtube, etc. Instead of Microsoft Office Suites, indicate the specific programs you excel at, such as Word, 365, Outlook, Powerpoint, or others. You may even want to delve deeper capabilities—such as saying you can use Google Spreadsheets to graph, calculate, analyze, and organize data—to truly catch the recruiter’s attention.

resume computer skills infographic

Five of the most in-demand resume computer skills

As the world uses computers more and more, the most in-demand computer skills for resume are getting more complex with each passing day. Want to know what today’s employers are looking for? Check out this list of top computer skills on resume in the modern job market.

  • Data Visualization – refers to the ability to make a graphical representation of data, a data visualization expert counts charts, graphs, and maps as tools. Common data visualization jobs include data scientist, data visualization specialist, and business intelligence analyst.
  • Data Science and Analytics – data science combines many computer study fields including programming, mathematics, processes, algorithms and more. As a multidisciplinary field, data scientists are in charge of solving complex data problems. A data scientist can work as an applications architect, machine learning scientist, and data analyst, among other roles.
  • Data Engineering – a more advanced form of data analytics that delves into the creation of interfaces and mechanisms for company databases. Data engineers ensure that the flow and access of information within a company proceeds as easily as possible. Examples of data engineering jobs include data warehouse engineer, data infrastructure engineer, data platform engineer, and data architect.
  • Machine Learning – is the method of automating system improvements through the use of data. An important component of the field of data science, it empowers machines and computers to make classifications or predictions using algorithms and statistics. Examples of professionals who work in machine learning include software developers, software engineers, data scientists, computational linguists, and computer engineers.
  • Artificial Intelligence – the most advanced computer systems are able to perform some basics of human intelligence, including decision making, speech recognition, visual perception, and language translation. These advanced systems are more popularly known as artificial intelligence or AI, and one can only imagine the depth of computer knowledge of the people who work in this field. Careers in AI include machine learning researchers, data miners, data analysts, data scientists, data engineers, machine learning engineers, and business intelligence developer.

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  • 7 seconds: this is how long your resume has either to impress or be ignored by the recruiter
  • 300+: average number of applications one corporate job opening posted online receives
  • 3%: number of sent resumes that result in interviews

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