How to Upload Resume to LinkedIn?

Is your resume on LinkedIn yet? If not, you could be missing out on plenty of great job opportunities.

LinkedIn has become the go-to platform for recruiters and employers looking for prospective candidates. Consequently, it has become essential for job seekers to have a presence on the platform. But more than that, it’s important for your LinkedIn profile to contain a resume that impresses your potential employer. This means you need to know how to upload resume to LinkedIn properly. So how exactly is this done? Here’s a step-by-step guide.

How to Upload Resume to LinkedIn

Step 1: Create your resume

Develop your resume to be the best it can be. Make sure to follow a reader-friendly format, with your most important skills and experience featured prominently. Also ensure that it is free from any errors relating to grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Of all the steps on how to upload your resume to LinkedIn, this is inarguably the most important one, so have your work checked by an expert to see if it passes muster. You can send it to us at Resumeble for a free, no-obligation evaluation.

Step 2: Go to your LinkedIn profile

Your LinkedIn profile contains an option to upload your resume on the platform. On your personal information page, click on the “Add profile section” button. In the drop-down menu, click on “Featured,” then “Media.”

Step 3: Locate your resume on your computer

Clicking on “Media” will open a window showing your computer folders. Find where your resume is on your computer, and click on it.

Step 4: Save your resume

Once your resume finishes uploading, click the “Save” button. This step completes the uploading process onto LinkedIn. After this is done, check to see if your file is already available for viewing and downloading as a featured post on your profile.

A few important tips on how to upload resume to LinkedIn: although you can use any of the common text formats for your document, it’s best to save it as either a .pdf or .docx file for hassle-free uploading and compatibility with the LinkedIn platform. Likewise, the filename should contain your full name so that those who choose to download and view it can easily find it on their own devices.

How to upload resume on LinkedIn: three alternative ways

If you want to get the most mileage from your resume, you’ll be glad to know there’s more than one way to post it on the popular professional network platform. Here are three other methods.

1. On Easy Apply

LinkedIn allows users to directly apply for jobs posted by employers on the site via Easy Apply. Aside from sending your profile, you can also attach your resume. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Find the “Jobs” button in the navigation bar.

Step 2: Locate a job posting you’re interested in that comes with an Easy Apply option

Step 3: Complete the Easy Apply form, and attach your resume with your application. Be sure to choose your most up-to-date file, as LinkedIn allows you to reuse the last five documents you uploaded.

Though most companies don’t require applicants to submit a resume, it is recommended that you include one when you send out your LinkedIn profile. This is especially useful if you’re applying to multiple jobs or want to hit as many keywords as possible for a better chance of getting shortlisted for a job interview.

2. As a LinkedIn post

You can also share your resume as a LinkedIn post to let people in your network know that you are looking for a job. Who knows—maybe one of them can recommend for you an open job position that’s not available on the platform. As for how to upload resume on LinkedIn as a post, here’s what you must do:

Step 1: Click on the “Start a post” text box to view additional sharing options.

Step 2: When the “Create a post” menu appears, click on “Share a document.”

Step 3: Your computer folder will then appear, after which you may then choose your file.

For a more sociable tone, accompany your post with a friendly message such as, “Hello there! I’m (your name), an IT specialist with five years work experience. Here’s my resume for those of you who may be interested.” Don’t forget to put your name in the file name for easy reference.

3. As part of your LinkedIn profile

The different sections of your LinkedIn profile let you input many of the same information on your resume including a professional summary, core competencies, work experience, education, awards certifications, etc. It is important to make your profile as complete, detailed, readable, and interesting as you can make it. And do pick a professional-looking photo for your profile. A completely filled-out LinkedIn profile makes a great complement to the document that you plan to upload. For accuracy, check that the information matches on both before uploading.

Have you worked on your resume yet?

Now that you know how to upload resume to LinkedIn, does it have what it takes to attract and retain a recruiter’s attention, not to mention scans by automated applicant tracking systems (ATS)? If in doubt, work with one of our writers to develop your application document for you. Choose from one of our three packages today to suit your needs.

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  • 7 seconds: this is how long your resume has either to impress or be ignored by the recruiter
  • 300+: average number of applications one corporate job opening posted online receives
  • 3%: number of sent resumes that result in interviews

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