Mastering the Interview: Answering "Why Apply for This Position?

In job interviews, one common question always stands out: "Why are you applying for this position?" Employers pose this question not just as a formality, but also to gain a deeper understanding of the candidate's motivations, aspirations, and qualifications.

Like some of the trickiest questions at job interviews, this query also provides you with a unique opportunity to show your suitability for the role. This article delves into the significance of this question and offers insights into how to respond to it.

Why Employers Ask This Question

Asking “Why are you applying for this position?” serves many purposes for recruiters. Employers ask this to understand competency, motivations, interests, cultural fit, and long-term commitment. This helps them seek qualified candidates who resonate with the organization's values and future direction.

person choosing wooden block human icon

1. Competency Check

Employers are keen to discern if you've analyzed the job description and aligned your skills with their needs. With that said, this question gives you an opportunity to showcase your qualifications and stand out, much like how free resume review services help job seekers fine-tune their applications for optimal impact.

2. Applicant Motivation

Employers aim to uncover your reasons for pursuing the position. Is it merely a paycheck, or a genuine interest and passion for the role?

3. Company-Specific Interest

This question also evaluates your knowledge of and enthusiasm for the organization itself. Are you interested in working for this particular company, or are you applying indiscriminately?

4. Cultural Fit

Companies often seek candidates who align with their culture and values. Your response provides clues about whether you would seamlessly integrate into the organization and its workforce.

two wooden people on road

5. Long-Term Commitment

Employers want to identify candidates who view the position as a crucial steppingstone in their personal career trajectory and not merely as a short-term stopgap.

There are also several versions of this question that serve similar purposes. It’s best to familiarize yourself with identical questions, like:

  1. Why are you interested in this position?
  2. Why do you want this job?
  3. What about the job description/posting excited you?
  4. What do you know about our company?
  5. Why do you want to work for us?

How to Answer, "Why Are You Interested in this Position?"

Now, let's explore how to effectively respond to this query.

1. Demonstrate Your Company Knowledge

Begin your answer by sharing your knowledge of the recruiter’s company. Mention specific attributes or initiatives that resonate with you and expound on them. For instance, you might say, "I've always been drawn to your company's commitment to environmental sustainability, which aligns with my personal values."

2. Emphasize Your Qualifications

Describe how your skills and experiences make you an ideal fit for the requirements of the position. An effective response could be, "My five years of project management experience and expertise in team leadership make me well-suited to drive the successful execution of projects in this role."

3. Align Your Passions

Express your enthusiasm for the position and the impact you hope to make. For instance, you can reply "I'm passionate about marketing, and I believe that by joining this team, I can leverage my creativity and analytical skills to contribute to the company's growth."

4. Showcase Your Interest in Career Growth

Convey your eagerness to learn and grow within the company. For example, "I see this position as an opportunity to develop my skills in sales and make meaningful contributions to the organization’s financial growth."

You can also connect the position to your long-term career aspirations. Another sample response is, "This role aligns with my goal of becoming a senior data analyst, and I see it as an invaluable step in my career progression."

5. Make Your Answers Specific

This might involve mentioning opportunities to develop specific skills or to achieve clear-cut goals. Once you've mentioned your goals, elaborate on what caught your interest. You can point to details and figures you've uncovered in the job description or on the company's website. If you can, share data from your previous work experiences that demonstrates your success on past projects.

For instance, you might say, "My research on the company revealed a strong commitment to gender equality, and I'm deeply passionate about supporting that cause. I'm particularly drawn to the idea of working for a company which ensures that women make up at least 50% of the workforce."

How NOT to Answer, "Why Are You Interested in this Position?"

While there are many ways to impress with your response, there are also common pitfalls that hinder your chances. Here's what to avoid:

1. Giving Negative Remarks

One of the common interview mistakes that candidates make is using this question as a platform to criticize current or past employers. It's essential to keep the focus on the positive aspects you're looking for in your next role. Highlighting the qualities and experiences you seek in the new position shows your forward-thinking approach and professionalism.

2. Providing Vague or Generic Answers

Reciting generic statements that could apply to any company or position will not set you apart. Responding with vague or overly general statements like, "I need a job" or "I'm looking for a new challenge" doesn't provide the interviewer with any meaningful insights.

Vague or generic answers can portray a sense of disinterest or lack of preparation. Employers want to see that you've done your homework and have specific reasons for choosing their company.

3. Overemphasizing Money

Avoid making the job primarily about compensation. Saying, "I need a higher salary" or "I heard this company pays well" suggests that you're only motivated by money, which can be a turn-off for employers.

4. Failing to Align with Job Requirements

Neglecting to connect your qualifications with the job's requirements may make it appear that you haven't thoroughly reviewed the position’s description.

5. Showing a Lack of Enthusiasm

Failing to express enthusiasm for the role can also convey disinterest. Your response should reflect sincere excitement for the opportunity.

In addition, don't overlook the importance of acknowledging the company's attributes or culture. A response that doesn't mention the organization might communicate a lack of research or indifference toward the company itself.

Prepare for Success and Navigate Your Interview with Confidence

"Why are you applying for this position?" and other similar questions should not be taken lightly. Answering this question is a chance to showcase your enthusiasm, qualifications, and alignment with the company. It also helps to craft a response that demonstrates your skills and potential to excel in the role while avoiding common pitfalls that could undermine your application.

Moreover, job interviews are not just about answering the recruiter’s queries; asking the recruiter some thoughtful questions of your own is equally crucial. It further shows your genuine interest and helps you gather valuable insights about the role and the company.

To help you prepare, read our list of questions to ask a hiring manager and ensure you make the most out of your next interview.

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  • 7 seconds: this is how long your resume has either to impress or be ignored by the recruiter
  • 300+: average number of applications one corporate job opening posted online receives
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