Does your dream career include all the writing skills that you have learned during your years in full-time education? Our education system demands that almost every subject produces scholarly article writers. Even drama classes and cooking classes demand that students write one paper after another. What are people to do with all these writing skills?

Full-time education has turned you into a great writer almost as a by-product of the subjects that you have learned, so put your writing skills to use by writing a short text on a selected topic with the hopes of winning a prize. Follow our simple guidelines, and we will enter you into our Resumeble Scholarship Competition.

You can win a financial prize that you can use to further your career, buy a new laptop or a powerful, up-to-date tablet, or to fund your studies. Or, you can just splurge on something you’ve wanted for ages.

Scholarship from Resumeble
$2,000 Prize in Total (One-Time Scholarship)

  • 1st Place
    1st Place

    For the best article
    among all the

  • 2nd Place
    2nd Place

    For the most
    catchy article

  • 3rd Place
    3rd Place

    For an impressive
    article and nice try

And let’s remember one great thing about winning a writing contest, or even coming
second or third – it looks great on your resume!

How can you apply to Resumeble Scholarship Competition 2023?

Simply email your finished article to

Make sure to follow these guidelines:

  1. Length of the article – 1000 to 1200 words.
  2. Plagiarism-free content only.
  3. English language writing only.
  4. Format for submission: doc. docx. Pdf.
  5. Name of document: Resumeble_Scholarship_(name and surname of the applicant).

Also in the file of your submission please
designate following information:

  1. Your contact email address.
  2. Name and surname.
  3. Country of origin.
  4. Your age.

The number of entries per participant is unlimited. Feel free to submit as many articles as you like. And don’t worry – participation is free of charge, always.

Topics to write on

Importance of Environment-friendly Business

Jobs of the Future

A Good Resume is the Key to a Successful Job Search

Importance of Taking Courses for Career Growth

How to Сombine Volunteering and Work

Prizes for the Winners

Resumeble Scholarship Competition Prize

We offer these encouraging prizes:

About Our Company

Resumeble started as a small group of HR industry team members writing resumes for recruitment clients. After learning about the demand for high quality and effective resumes, the team’s focus moved away from recruitment to solely on resumes. After their initial success, the staff numbers ballooned, the corporate offices expanded, and the company went big. Now, there is a team of writers from every legal industry, plus there are editors, proofreaders, and even a few professional consultants on the staff.

Resumeble works to create resumes and job seeking documentation that speaks to employers on both a personal and professional level. The Resumeble team knows what works because the teamhas insider experience of what it is like to sit in the employer’s chair.

Good luck and have fun!

Keep things loose, happy, and positive. You do not have to make a ground-breaking point or a paradigm-shifting political statement. We are looking for examples of technical writing prowess and cleverly chosen points. We want to read something that is well constructed, has a good flow, and is interesting. You can be thought-provoking or intriguing. You can make us laugh or cry. You can be emotional or factual.

Let your writing speak for itself!