Our guarantees: quickly secure the interviews & jobs you deserve - or we’ll keep working with you for free till you do!

Interview guarantee hero imageInterview guarantee hero image

How do our guarantees work?

Job guarantee 60 day
60-Day Interview Guarantee
(For Professional Packages)
When you choose our Professional Package, you're not just getting a top-notch resume - you're getting our assurance of results. If you don’t land an interview within 60 days of receiving your new resume, we’ll keep working with you at no extra cost until you do.
Job guarantee 180 day
180-Day Job Guarantee
(For Premium Packages)
Opting for our Premium Package elevates your job search to the highest level. If you don't secure a job within 180 days of receiving your new resume, we will keep refining it with you until it delivers the results you need or your money back.

How our 60-day interview guarantee works

Choosing our Professional package gives you access to our Interview Guarantee. Within 60 days of receiving your new resume, if you don’t secure a single interview during this period, we will rewrite your new resume as many times as necessary. Our goal is simple: to get you to the interview stage, where your skills and qualifications can shine.

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How our 180-day job guarantee works

Choosing our Premium package gives you access to our Job Guarantee. Within 180 days of receiving your new resume, if you don’t get a job offer, we will rewrite your new resume as many times as necessary to achieve this. Or, you can opt for a full refund of our service, giving you freedom to proceed as you’d like.

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Interview guarantee why

Why we offer these guarantees

At Resumeble, we don't make guarantees lightly. The only reason we’re able to offer them is because of our track record and reliable process. Over 98.4% of our clients secure interviews within 30 days of receiving their new resumes - meaning we rarely have to do rewrites.

However, in the event that you’re unable to land either an interview or a job with your new resume, our guarantees mean you can feel confident that your writer will be there to help.