Letter of Interest vs Cover Letter

When applying for a job vacancy, there are two types of letters you can write: a letter of interest or a cover letter. Both letters are meant to express your interest in a job position and serve as your first communication with a potential employer. However, each letter functions differently, and understanding the differences between them will help you convey your intentions better to a recruiter or hiring manager. Let the information below guide you on whether a letter of interest vs a cover letter would be the ideal one to write for your situation.

What is a letter of interest and what is it for?

A letter of interest, also known as a letter of intent, is communication that lets potential employers know that you are available for hire even if there is no open position at the moment. This means that the company hasn’t posted a job opening yet, and you are expressing your interest in advance, along with additional information relating to why you would be an ideal candidate for a job at the company. Since there is no job posting yet, a letter of interest vs cover letter requires a bit of explanation on why you’ve decided to reach out.

How to write a letter of interest

Use this sample to help you craft your own letter of interest vs cover letter. In this example on how to write a letter of interest, take note of how it immediately lets the reader know what the letter is for in the first paragraph.

letter of interests example

To Mr/Ms (name of recipient)

I came across an article about your startup company in (name of publication) and found myself thoroughly agreeing with your organization’s mission and vision statement. I would like to express my interest in working for your organization and utilize my skillset to help you achieve your goals. With this in mind, I would like to know about any potential job openings you may have.

I am an experienced Project Manager who has taken on many non-profit initiatives including (name of project/s). I have a Bachelor’s Degree in (your major), and was able to complete an internship with (name of company).

I hope to know more about your organization and sit down for an interview with you to discuss my ideas that could help you achieve your targets faster and more efficiently.

I am ready to send you my resume should you require it. Thank you for your time, and please don’t hesitate to call me at (your mobile phone number) any time of the day.


(your name and signature)

Here’s another letter of interest sample:

Dear (name of the hiring manager),

I recently saw a news feature about your company’s innovative approach to automotive manufacturing in a recent news feature, and I am writing to inquire if you have any available job positions relating to logistics and operations management.

I have seven years of experience working as a supply chain manager for (name of company). During my time in this role, I was able to bring down the cost of purchasing raw materials by five percent within six months of taking on the job. I was also able to ensure prompt delivery of said materials through constant communication and follow-up with suppliers. As a result, my company experienced zero manufacturing downtime during my entire term there.

I have attached my resume along with this letter so you can review my qualifications and experience. I would appreciate the opportunity to sit down in an interview with you. Feel free to send me an email at (email address) or message me at (mobile phone number). Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours truly,

(name and signature)

Should you accompany your letter of interest with a resume?

At a glance, a letter of interest vs cover letter won’t read that much different, but compared to the latter, a letter of interest can be sent on its own and doesn’t need to be accompanied by a resume or curriculum vitae (CV). However, to save time as well as display your initiative, it’s best to send your resume along with your letter of intent.

What is a cover letter and what is it for?

Now that you have an idea of how to write a letter of interest, what about a cover letter? The purpose of a cover letter is to accompany a resume when applying for a job. Since a cover letter is intended for an open position, it does not require an explanation for why it was sent. That said, it holds pretty much the same information contained in a letter of interest including your best qualifications, an explanation of why you would be a good fit for the company, and your desire for an interview.

In addition, the purpose of a cover letter is not just to repeat the information in the resume, but expand on it with specific examples or stories that solidify your skills and experience as applicable to the open job position.

Cover letter sample:

Dear Mr/Ms (name of recipient)

Your company’s job posting for a sales analyst on (name of job market website) caught my attention. I believe that my skills, training, and four years of working experience as a marketing strategist makes me an ideal candidate for the job.

For the past four years, I worked as the Head of Marketing over at (name of company). During my stint, I was able to boost profits by 20 percent and expand the company’s marketing reach by two-fold.

I hold a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Georgetown University and have updated my skillset through a series of trainings provided by our country’s biggest financial institutions. I also have a certified public accountant license from the American Institute of CPAs.

I have attached my resume herein, containing all the personal information I have regarding my skills, experience, education, certifications, and more. I am eager to discuss my capabilities to contribute to your organization. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at (mobile phone number). I am available during work hours on weekdays.

Kind regards,

(name and signature)

Second cover letter sample:

To the hiring manager:

Good day. I am (your name), and I have been a successful accountant with a track record of delivering accurate and consistent financial information. My services have been procured by a range of institutions including (name of firm/s worked for), and I look forward to utilizing my expertise with you.

You can expect me to bring my meticulousness and tenacity to your organization in the capacity of the open Senior Accountant position. Here are some of the qualifications I bring to your company:

• More than 10 years of experience in strategic financing to support commercial business decisions

• A strong commitment to personal and organizational success.

• Solid background in complex financial products, instruments, and derivatives for leveraging accounting information.

• An entrepreneurial mindset dedicated to building strong business relationships and achieving business success.

Aside from my accounting experience, I also hold an MBA degree and have held leadership positions in community organizations. These should strengthen my qualifications to hopefully meet the requirements of the job and further add value to your company should you choose to hire me.

I plan to contact you in the weekdays ahead to discuss some of my ideas for your company. Please feel free to contact me before then through email (your email address) or mobile phone (your phone number). Thank you for your time.


(name and signature)

Should you accompany your cover letter with a resume?

Unlike a letter of intent which can be sent on its own, a cover letter MUST always be accompanied by a resume. As the name implies, it acts as a cover to your resume, serving primarily as an introduction to your specific skills, experience, and more. It is meant to encourage employers to read your resume, as well as convince them that you are the right person for the job.

Develop your resume with Resumeble

It helps to send out your letter of interest vs cover letter with a high-caliber resume. Make sure your resume attracts the attention of recruiters and hiring managers by having it written by one of our expert resume writers. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our resume writing services and other services that we offer.

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  • 7 seconds: this is how long your resume has either to impress or be ignored by the recruiter
  • 300+: average number of applications one corporate job opening posted online receives
  • 3%: number of sent resumes that result in interviews

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